Mark O'Donnell, EnterIT

Mark O’Donnell has spent the past 25 years of his career involved with technology in some capacity. His passion is helping organizations understand the power of technology to grow organizations and improve efficiencies within those organizations. Mark has been a member of AITP for close to seven years. 7 years ago, as a vendor at the Infotec Conference and Trade Show, Mark had suggestions (or maybe they were complaints) for improving the show, and it was kindly suggested that if he wanted to make suggestions (or complain) he should probably join AITP. He did so, and never looked back……
Mark has served on the AITP Board for close to 6 years, and has served in numerous capacities: Including Program Director, Secretary, Executive VP, Immediate Past President, and as the 2012 President. He has participated on the annual Golf Committee, the Scholarship Committee, and the AITP Computer Museum Committee. He was also a member of the Negotiating Committee for the sale of the Infotec Conference to the AIM Institute.
Currently Mark is the Program Director for Enter IT (, an innovative non-profit collaboration between Google Inc., The AIM Institute, UNO, and Iowa Western Community College. Enter IT’s mission is to place IT Interns in short term IT Projects at local non-profits, startups, and entrepreneurial ventures. If an organization qualifies, the IT services are provided at no charge. There are two main goals trying to be achieved at Enter IT: 1); Gain opportunities for the Enter IT Interns to gain real world experience in their chosen IT career, and 2); Help small businesses gain an understanding of the value of IT within their organizations.
Mark formerly held positions locally at The AIM Institute/Careerlink and QCI. Prior to moving his family to Omaha, he lived in Madison, WI, Santa Fe, NM, and San Francisco, CA. In another life (before falling in love with Technology), a period of time Mark likes to call his “Artistic Years” he worked in an artist’s foundry (casting bronze and brass statues using the Lost Wax Method), and blowing glass. Mark also spent time in the People’s Republic of China in 1987-1988, where he learned Mandarin, and learned why he loved the United States of America.
Mark has served on the AITP Board for close to 6 years, and has served in numerous capacities: Including Program Director, Secretary, Executive VP, Immediate Past President, and as the 2012 President. He has participated on the annual Golf Committee, the Scholarship Committee, and the AITP Computer Museum Committee. He was also a member of the Negotiating Committee for the sale of the Infotec Conference to the AIM Institute.
Currently Mark is the Program Director for Enter IT (, an innovative non-profit collaboration between Google Inc., The AIM Institute, UNO, and Iowa Western Community College. Enter IT’s mission is to place IT Interns in short term IT Projects at local non-profits, startups, and entrepreneurial ventures. If an organization qualifies, the IT services are provided at no charge. There are two main goals trying to be achieved at Enter IT: 1); Gain opportunities for the Enter IT Interns to gain real world experience in their chosen IT career, and 2); Help small businesses gain an understanding of the value of IT within their organizations.
Mark formerly held positions locally at The AIM Institute/Careerlink and QCI. Prior to moving his family to Omaha, he lived in Madison, WI, Santa Fe, NM, and San Francisco, CA. In another life (before falling in love with Technology), a period of time Mark likes to call his “Artistic Years” he worked in an artist’s foundry (casting bronze and brass statues using the Lost Wax Method), and blowing glass. Mark also spent time in the People’s Republic of China in 1987-1988, where he learned Mandarin, and learned why he loved the United States of America.